Nathan Humphrey

Software, data, and other stuff

Latest Posts

  1. Remix - Deploying to Vercel (Part 5)

    Okay, we've made it to the final part of this Remix series - deployment. Remix comes with many ready-to-ship options for several hosting platforms or services. I chose Vercel for deployment today, but the application should be deployable to any platform or host that supports Node applications.
  2. Remix - Deploying to Google App Engine (Part 4)

    Long story short, I didn't get the application to deploy to Google App Engine (GAE). GAE ran into problems with the postinstall script (which was corrected) and then was unable to find and run node. I spent some time digging into the guts of Remix to try to find a solution, but it's the holiday season, and I don't want to spend any more time on this right now than I have to.
  3. Remix - Firestore Integration (Part 3)

    Welcome back! Let's jump right back into the build. In this session, we're going to add Firestore access to our application. For testing, let's install the local Firestore Emulator. Run the Firebase init script and you should be presented with the ability to add Firestore Emulator to the project (Authentication Emulator should
  4. Remix - Firebase Authentication (Part 2)

    We'll begin this part of the series by creating a new Firebase project and applicaton. We can then move on to installing Firebase, and updating the application routes to make use Firebase authentication. It should be fun!

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