Personal GitHub Pages 11ty Configuration

post 11ty gh-pages

11ty is a great static site generator, it's what I'm using to publish this blog post, and it's a snap to set up on GitHub Pages with Travis CI. There is, however, one thing that's missing from the setup documentation found on the 11ty site, and that is, how to configure your Travis build for a personal site vs a project site. While the differences are minor, they could take a little time to figure out, which is why I'm documenting them here.

The 11ty site links to a Jonathan Snook post that provides a good walkthrough of the required steps, but the Travis configuration needs some tweaking for a personal site. The relevant changes that must be made are referred to in this issue posted to the 11ty GitHub repo. Read through the comments to see the full discussion; I'm merely documenting required changes here to help spread the word.

The significant difference for personal vs project gh-pages sites is which branch will be used for publishing. For personal sites, content must be published from the master branch, while the publishing branch can be chosen for project sites. The highlighted lines in the following .travis.yml settings will allow you to build for a personal site (I removed the --pathprefix flag from the script, which defaults to /):

language: node_js
- 8
- npm install @11ty/eleventy -g
script: eleventy
fqdn: # if you use a custom domain
local-dir: _site
provider: pages
skip-cleanup: true
github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
keep-history: true
branch: source # set to whatever branch has your source
target-branch: master # required for personal gh-pages

.travis.yml for user gh-pages site

The branch key allows for you to state the branch that holds your source files to build from. The target-branch key must have a value of master, which, as stated above, is required for publishing personal or organization pages via gh-pages. Once you've made these changes, you should be able to run your Travis build successfully. Happy blogging!
