Tagged “javascript”
Remix - Deploying to Vercel (Part 5)
Okay, we've made it to the final part of this Remix series - deployment. Remix comes with many ready-to-ship options for several hosting platforms or services. I chose Vercel for deployment today, but the application should be deployable to any platform or host that supports Node applications. -
Remix - Deploying to Google App Engine (Part 4)
Long story short, I didn't get the application to deploy to Google App Engine (GAE). GAE ran into problems with the postinstall script (which was corrected) and then was unable to find and run node. I spent some time digging into the guts of Remix to try to find a solution, but it's the holiday season, and I don't want to spend any more time on this right now than I have to. -
Remix - Firestore Integration (Part 3)
Welcome back! Let's jump right back into the build. In this session, we're going to add Firestore access to our application. For testing, let's install the local Firestore Emulator. Run the Firebase init script and you should be presented with the ability to add Firestore Emulator to the project (Authentication Emulator should -
Remix - Firebase Authentication (Part 2)
We'll begin this part of the series by creating a new Firebase project and applicaton. We can then move on to installing Firebase, and updating the application routes to make use Firebase authentication. It should be fun! -
Remix - Getting Started with Remix (Part 1)
We'll build a simple app that will allow a user to sign in and manage some secrets (like a private todo app). To get there, we'll clean up the starter app that we just created, and build some basic routes that we can use for moving forward. -
Remix and Firebase - So many options!
I decided to dig into Remix since they released version 1.0 just recently. I also decided, wouldn't it be great to have this out-of-the-box isomorphic app server do all the heavy pluming and then use Firebase for all the other stuff! That would free me to focus on the intricacies of whatever app I'm currently building. However, I quickly found myself in a state of confusion ... -
JavaScript - Variables
JavaScript variables may be declared using one of three available keywords - var, let, and const. Given these three methods for declaring variables, what are the differences between them, and when should one be used over the other two? -
Isomorphic JavaScript App
So, the other day, I had this great idea to explore the land of isomorphic JavaScript and server-side rendering (SSR), because why not? Building front-end applications that run entirely on the client is fun, but sometimes ... -
Starter webpack Setup for Web Applications
webpack is module bundler that can be used to prepare a static bundle of your application. While webpack isn't the only module bundler available (e.g. Parcel, Rollup, etc.), it is still the most...
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